Category: Seller

11 tips to help deal with a deceased estate

Selling the home of a lost loved one can be painful but it doesn’t have to be traumatic. Here is our guide to help you understand the process and minimise friction with your relatives.   Insist the executor of the estate is the contact person for the real estate agent. This avoids any confusion or…
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An overview to selling a deceased estate

Selling a deceased estate can be heart-breaking as well as a complicated experience but understanding the process and some of its legalities can remove the confusion.   An estate is more than just property. It comprises of the total of an individual’s assets and liabilities, such as a business, cash, investments, superannuation, cars, jewellery and…
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Why you need a signboard

A strong signboard has the potential to generate great interest in your property from the first day it goes on the market. It’s an essential part of your marketing campaign and you should work with your agent to produce the strongest possible image and messaging to lure buyers. Without a signboard, buyers will be confused.…
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14 ways to make downsizing successful

Downsizing your property is often regarded as a logical and practical lifestyle change but it can also be an emotional experience. It signals a new phase in your life but can also represents the end of what used to be. Turning your back on a family home of two decades or more can be upsetting.…
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How to spot trouble in a 1970s home

Back in their day, homes built in the 1970s were the height of sophistication and design-smarts. But now they’re coming up for 50 years old and may be showing their age. Homes from the 1970s have a lot of merits. They were overwhelmingly designed to be comfortable family homes and as such usually have open…
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9 tips to feng shui your apartment

Feng shui is a powerful strategy when trying to sell your apartment and can add thousands of dollars to its value if you get it right. If you’re a buyer in the market, you’ll find the logic of feng shui will resonate strongly. The surrounding area is actually more important from a feng shui perspective…
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8 quick tips to negotiating a sale

It’s natural to be anxious when selling your home even when you have the best real estate agent on your side. Your agent will understand the stress that comes with such a large transaction, but their work can be undermined if you reveal anxiety or emotion to prospective buyers during price negotiation. This is especially…
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5 top tips to help you sell in Winter

There is no perfect time of the year to sell a property, so forget what you’ve been told about the need to have flowers blooming and bees buzzing in order to get the best price. Many people believe that spring is the most popular season for open houses but that doesn’t make it the best…
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10 tips to set your sale price

Setting a sale price that is focused only on your own needs and expectations as a seller is dangerous. You need to conduct in-depth research and use the experience of a real estate agent familiar with your local area to ensure you get the best price from the market. It’s a natural inclination to inflate…
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Why you should sell before you buy

It’s one of the most common and persistent real estate questions – should you sell your current home before you buy? Or buy before you sell? If you’re somebody who’ll get cold sweats at night because you’ve doubled your debt with a bridging loan to buy a new home before selling the current one, then…
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