Author: Kylie Davis

Top six questions buyers have about COVID-19 market

Here are six of the most common questions that property buyers and investors are asking as each of the states begins to ease their lockdown rules. Is it a good time to purchase an investment property? The numbers have to stack up for an investment to work. You might think property will get cheap, but…
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How to auction in a COVID-19 world

Online auctions may seem a scary departure from the traditional experience of watching your property being sold on the front lawn in front of a large crowd. But like many facets of our lives in a COVID-19 world, this change could be here to stay. Why? Because it’s so simple. Internet auctions have become common…
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Top five questions sellers have about COVID-19 market

The coronavirus has changed our lives in ways we could not have imagined just a few weeks ago. Many people wanting to buy or sell property have withdrawn from the market, while others decided to make the most of the opportunity of dampened demand. Here are the five most common questions we’re being asked right…
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How a virtual tour works in a COVID-19 world

Open house inspections are back, but social distancing rules mean no more than 10 people can be inside at any time.  This means potential buyers are grabbing the opportunity to take virtual or 3D tours of homes on the market. As your agent, we can conduct these tours using phone-app video calls, or organise for…
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7 reasons to sell despite Covid19

If you’ve set your heart on selling your current property and moving to a new home, these are uncertain times. The temptation to pull out is understandable, but you should pause to weigh up the pros and cons before making that decision. Firstly, the property market is still transacting and prices have held firmly in…
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Selling in a time of Covid19

If you’ve currently got your home on the market – or have been thinking of selling – don’t panic. You’ve invested a lot of time, emotional energy and money preparing your home for sale and you don’t want to see it go to waste. There are many strategies your real estate team will deploy to…
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7 Expenses that you’ll need to budget for when selling

When buying a property, you know you have a few additional expenses such as building inspections or a pest control assessment, but it is very easy to forget that there are additional expenses when selling a property too. Ensuring you budget for these is important, here are seven expenses when selling that may otherwise catch…
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6 key questions to ask your agent before you sign them up

You’ve decided to sell your property, it’s a huge decision and moving is always a time of upheaval in your life. What you want then, is the smoothest experience possible, and central to getting that is finding the right agent to handle things for you. With so much choice in the industry, finding that right…
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5 Reasons to style your home for sale

When it comes time to sell your home, usually, you have two goals. The first is to get as much as possible for it; the second is to get the sale done as quickly as possible. When you want to sell your car, you clean it up beforehand to make it easier to sell. Even…
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How parents can help their kids buy a home

Loan guarantees are possibly the fastest way to help young, first-home buyers enter the market. In most cases, parents will mortgage a portion of their own home to help their children meet property prices that would otherwise be beyond their reach. It’s a popular strategy when a market dips and buyers want to move quickly…
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