Spring into action to create the perfect summer garden

Spring into action to create the perfect summer garden

Spring is here, and with the warmer weather comes the opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy your garden.

With the days lengthening and the soil warming in the sunshine, it’s an ideal time to prepare for either bumper crops of vegetables and herbs or sow the seeds of wonderful cottage flowers that will bring your home to life.

Here are some quick ideas for you:

Sunflowers – Who doesn’t love a sunflower? Birds peck at its seedheads, and bees buzz around for its pollen. You’ve got a few varieties to choose from, including the giants Kong and Giraffe. They should have shelter from the wind and will need strong stakes. Start them off in pots now and move them outside in a few weeks.

Pick your pots – If you love color in pots around the garden, then it’s essential to have the proper containers for the job. You’ll find large pots make small spaces look bigger, and they don’t need daily water. Compost well when you’re planting pansies, daffodils, tulips and trailing ivy.

Thought for food – Lots of salad plants can go into the ground now. Why not pick vegetables and fruit that are not easily found at the local market? What’s the point in planting Roma tomatoes if you can get them for less than a buck-a-pound in a shop? Try some unusual varieties this year.

Herb refresh – Pop herbs into pots with fresh soil and peat-free compost. Don’t be afraid to trim them quite vigorously. They’ll thank you in a few weeks! 

Trim lavender – Make this a priority as lavender can get woody and unattractive without a regular haircut. Go in hard, cutting at the lowest point of the stem where you see green shoots emerging. It will return with new growth in less than a month. 

Bath time – If you have a birdbath, clean it up with water that has a splash of disinfectant added. It will help stop disease. Hanging feeders should be replenished. Remember to empty them at least once a week to prevent the food from going moldy.