Category: Upgrader

7 great ideas for a garden cabin

Hot summer days can provide a lot of inspiration for your garden and installing a cabana makes the most of the beautiful weather and gives you another outstanding feature for your home. Don’t assume that you’ll need to go through the hassle of seeking permission and submitting plans to council to install a cabana. It’s…
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Eight ways you can to create space in a small living room

Living areas in confined spaces are always a challenge for homeowners whether you’re preparing your property for sale or have just moved in and trying to create the perfect home. Everyone loves the idea of a palatial, open-plan living area but sometimes the prevailing styles of home in the neighborhood, or your budget, just doesn’t…
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9 tips to make your home smart and impress buyers

The airwaves are full of advertisements for various new smart home technologies, using the internet to automate everything from pulling back the drapes to brewing coffee and charging our vehicles in the driveway. But smart home technology is developing quickly, providing homeowners with devices that save time and energy. Technology is starting to have an…
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Eleven tips for renovating before sale

If you’re considering whether it’s the best time to sell your home, you’re probably wondering whether a quick renovation will maximize your property’s value. This is a tempting thought when you’re in no hurry to make a move and can invest both your time and cash. As your neighborhood real estate agent, I speak with…
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Will a wine cellar add value to your home?

Wine cellars have a wow factor. But that shouldn’t be a convincing argument to spend thousands of dollars creating a temperature-controlled room to store wine. Even at the luxury end of the market, a wine cellar is quite rare. You’ll be far more likely to find a state-of-the-art media room or comfortable home office facilities.…
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Remodel or move out? Eight ways to decide

Have you ever taken a moment to look at your to-do list of jobs around the home and thought, “every time I complete one task, there are two more to do”? This is an exhausting realisation and a sign that perhaps it’s time to look at an extensive remodel of your home, or to sell…
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6 ways to upgrade a small home before sale

Renovating small homes and apartments before a sale can often be more confronting than taking on the challenge of a large property. Every decision you make feels as if it has a greater impact. A mistake or misjudgement can feel like a gargantuan setback when a similar outcome might barely be noticed in a larger…
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Bathroom bliss that adds value to your home

Upgrading a bathroom before sale is a great way to add value to your home, but it requires careful planning if you’re going to make a profit from the work. The website Zillow says a bathroom remodel can return $1.70 for every $1 you spend if the job is done properly. As your local real…
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Why Winter is a great time to sell

If you’re ready to make a move but concerned about how the chill weather can dampen your asking price, let me step you through some of the advantages of going to market in the winter months. The first advantage that almost no one ever mentions is: a winter sale means you’ll be cashed up and…
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Quick tips to revitalize your garden

There’s one quick and easy way to revitalize the appearance of your garden and reduce the workload of maintaining during the sale period – and that’s mulch. Mulching gives your garden a ‘finished’ appearance and makes everything look neat and tidy. Pull out the weeds first, and you’ll enjoy a weed-free appearance for the length…
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