Category: Preparing for Sale

How long will it take to sell?

How long will it take to sell your home? Here’s how to understand how long is normal.

The difference between appraisals and valuations

There are two reports that can help you understand how much your property is worth – an appraisal and a valuation.

4 rules for a successful sale

Selling your home doesn’t need to be a stressful time when you apply these four rules for success. Tap into emotion Your home needs to make a powerful emotional connection. You’re selling a lifestyle, not just bricks and mortar. Research shows 80% of buyers will make a decision based on gut instinct rather than logic…
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4 important things to know about your market

It’s always a good idea to conduct your own research into the property market when you decide to sell. This will help you get a feel for how the market is performing so that when you meet your shortlist of agents you are considering using, you’ll have some background and be able to ask more…
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7 important tips for a successful sale

You only have one chance to make a first impression when selling. Here’s how to make sure it’s a good one.

Tips for choosing an agent

Tips and advice on choosing and agent.

Things you do not need when selling your home

What are the most common things that are cluttering up your life? Here’s a list of the first things to declutter when you decide to sell.

5 ways to declutter your home

Decluttering your home is essential if you’ve made the decision to sell. Here’s where to start.

6 affordable ways to update your bathroom

A dowdy bathroom can be a big turn-off for buyers. But here’s 6 ways to make your bathroom shine at sale time.

3 things to do before you sell

Thinking about selling your home, but not sure where to start? Here’s how to become a confident seller.