How a tidy home can reap rewards when it’s time to sell

When selling your home, making a great first impression on potential buyers is vital. A tidy, organised home looks more appealing, and attention to its presentation can add thousands of dollars to your eventual sale price. 

But let’s face it, decluttering can feel like a daunting task, especially when life is already busy. With a simple, step-by-step approach, you can transform your cluttered spaces into a buyer’s dream home. Let’s break it down using four steps.

Step 1: Clear Out

The first step is to empty the area you’re tackling completely. Whether it’s a cupboard, a room, or a garage, removing everything allows you to see the full extent of your belongings and assess what stays and goes. This may feel chaotic initially, but it’s the first step towards creating a calm and inviting space.

Step 2: Categorise

Now that everything is out in the open, start grouping similar items. Use boxes and bins, or simply make piles on the floor. Label each category with sticky notes or tags to keep yourself organised. For example, in a bedroom, you might have categories for clothes, shoes, books, and sentimental items.

Step 3: Cut Out

This is the crucial step where you decide what to keep and what to let go. Ask yourself these three questions for each item:

  • Do I use it?
  • Does it add value?
  • Do I love it?

If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, it’s time to say goodbye. Have separate bags or boxes for items you want to donate, sell or discard. 

Remember, less is often more when it comes to home staging. A clutter-free home feels more spacious and allows buyers to envision their own belongings in the space.

Step 4: Contain

Now you’ve pared down your belongings, it’s time to put everything back in an organised way. 

Invest in attractive storage solutions like baskets, bins and shelves. Clear containers are ideal as they allow you to see what’s inside. Even with opaque containers, label everything. This will help you maintain order long after the sale is complete.

Benefits of a Tidy Home

Beyond the financial benefits, decluttering can also have a positive impact on your well-being. An organised home is a calmer home.

As an experienced team of real estate agents in your area, we support you throughout the entire selling process. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance on preparing your home for sale.