The truth behind common catch phrases

When you’re selling your home, it’s important to be authentic in your marketing content and in how you talk to prospective buyers.

Half-truths and approximations can be a selling disaster even if you or your agent have the best intentions.

Watch out for this list of common catch phrases that buyers are likely to question.

Turnkey ready

The new owners should not have to lift a finger to make any remedial improvement. Every repair the home needed must have been finished to a good standard.

Totally remodeled

Be prepared for questions about whether the “total” remodel included improvements to the plumbing, or whether the home was rewired. Making such a claim goes deeper than updates and aesthetics.

Low maintenance

This is a big claim. Properties always need to be maintained even if that means mowing the yard every Saturday during summer. If selling an apartment, you may be questioned about the Home Owners’ Association and how much time they take up.

Energy efficiency

This is another statement that requires supporting evidence. You’ll need to provide details of the insulation and any power-saving devices or measures, such as installed solar panels. Buyers put a premium on energy efficiency, so it’s worth compiling the paperwork.

Quiet neighborhood

When buyers arrive, and they can hear traffic noise, a construction site and some beats coming from next door, don’t be surprised if their first impression is less than optimal.

Good schools

This is a dangerous throwaway line because the quality of schools in your immediate area can be checked easily. If you are unsure of the standard of local educational institutions, stay away from this claim.

Transport nearby

It’s best to be specific if you believe this is an important asset. A buyer can jump on Google and check your claim in a few seconds.