The first frost on the ground will be a timely reminder that you may have a few jobs to do around the home before the cold weather sets in.
Winterizing your home will not only make it more comfortable but it should save a small fortune on utility bills that seem to rise with every quarter.
Core issue
When was the last time you had your furnace or heating system serviced? If it’s been a while, get one booked straight away. You don’t want to be in the tail-back of customers come late November and December.
Safety first
Ask your service company to check for any carbon monoxide emissions, which can prove fatal. These emissions have no smell, so you’ll only know if you’ve got a problem with expert analysis.
Filters and vents
Get on a ladder, or use a soft broom, to clean dirt caught in filters and vents. If air doesn’t pass through them cleanly, your system works harder, is less efficient and uses more electricity.
Smokin’ hot
Employing someone to clean your chimney every year is a smart routine. Don’t let winter set in before you get this done. This is another job folks tend to leave late. Chimney fires are easily avoided but devastating when they happen.
Pipe dream
Insulating your water pipes is essential in case winter bites hard. Frozen water expands and can burst a pipe with expensive consequences. When it’s genuinely freezing, some households let their taps drip through the night to stop water freezing.
Seal the deal
Run a wet finger around doors and windows to feel for any draughts. There are many excellent retail products to help you seal your home. It’s worth the effort because nearly a quarter of all heat, that’s 25% of your heating bill, escapes through windows and doors.
Check gutters
Clear downpipes and gutters of any debris from summer storms. Also, check the flashing around your chimney and remove any leaves that may have fallen around your outdoor aircon unit.
On the tiles
Get into the roof cavity and look for light seeping through your tiles. Chinks of light can be bad news, indicating a tile has cracked or slipped. You need to fix these issues or suffer significant water damage later.