Top 5 tips to know when you’re ready to buy

There’s a moment when you’re in the market for a property that you must decide it’s time to stop looking and to start buying.

Many people find this part of their search the most confrontational. But it can be easily avoided by researching the availability of your target style of property in your preferred suburbs.

Research will douse the belief that there’s always one more property to see or that spinning your wheels and waiting will somehow reveal the perfect property.

You also need to avoid a common trap in which you miss out on a dream home and then use it as your benchmark against which you judge all the other properties.

Impatience can also cause heartache. Viewing homes for weeks, even months, is pretty tough when you have a busy lifestyle. So, it’s easy to make the wrong decision to end the search process and get on with the rest of your life.

The buying process can be challenging, especially as it’s one of the most important financial decisions of your life.

This easy-to-understand guide may help ease any pressure you might be feeling. 

Know your ideal property

An effective search depends on you knowing what you’re looking for. Decide on your ideal style and size of home before you embark on your search.

Do your research

Use available data sources from real estate websites to uncover the properties in your desired area that meet your needs. It’s a good idea to be flexible as this will reveal many more potential properties.

Stay focussed

It’s easy to over-think the search process. Don’t be swayed by media headlines about rising or falling prices. If you want to buy, your biggest mistake will be to try to time the market. The odds of being able to do that and find your ideal home are remote.

Be pragmatic

Falling in love with a property can end in deep disappointment if it sells to someone else. A typical emotional response is to buy on the rebound, especially if your search has been long and tiring. 

Don’t give up

It’s so easy to purchase the wrong property and suffer buyer remorse if you’re exhausted. So, if you’re starting to think any property will do, go back to your strategy and research, and maybe consider a time-out.