Tag: declutter

How to declutter like Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo and her KonMarie method of decluttering is taking the world by storm. With four books and a series on Netflix, she’s the queen of tidying up with her own tailored method of folding clothes and guidelines for decluttering every part of your home and life. But let’s face it, her level of detail…
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7 tips to feng-shui your home

Embracing the ancient Chinese spatial laws of feng shui is a leap of faith for those who don’t believe a home can have a money or relationship sector. Yet, the philosophy can contribute to making every room feel calm and happy. And if you are preparing your house for sale, the art of feng shui…
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9 tips to feng shui your apartment

Feng shui is a powerful strategy when trying to sell your apartment and can add thousands of dollars to its value if you get it right. If you’re a buyer in the market, you’ll find the logic of feng shui will resonate strongly. The surrounding area is actually more important from a feng shui perspective…
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How to de-clutter your home in 30 minutes

You don’t have to be Marie Kondo to keep your home free of clutter. Find 30 minutes every week and you’ll quickly get on top of the situation. Making de-cluttering a regular habit also has the psychological benefits of feeling lighter and less weighed down. It’s as easy as assessing the value of every item…
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4 rules when preparing your home for sale

4 rules to consider before you prepare your home for sale

Things you do not need when selling your home

What are the most common things that are cluttering up your life? Here’s a list of the first things to declutter when you decide to sell.

5 ways to declutter your home

Decluttering your home is essential if you’ve made the decision to sell. Here’s where to start.

3 things to do before you sell

Thinking about selling your home, but not sure where to start? Here’s how to become a confident seller.