Tag: country_au

5 Reasons to style your home for sale

When it comes time to sell your home, usually, you have two goals. The first is to get as much as possible for it; the second is to get the sale done as quickly as possible. When you want to sell your car, you clean it up beforehand to make it easier to sell. Even…
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How parents can help their kids buy a home

Loan guarantees are possibly the fastest way to help young, first-home buyers enter the market. In most cases, parents will mortgage a portion of their own home to help their children meet property prices that would otherwise be beyond their reach. It’s a popular strategy when a market dips and buyers want to move quickly…
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Should you get a depreciation schedule?

If you’re an investor and not using a depreciation schedule for your property, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars in tax rebate. Costs and depreciation associated with your property can be deducted each year from your taxable income to improve your after-tax cash flow.  Every circumstance is different but many investment properties…
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9 ways to achieve Hamptons style

Hamptons-style homes are luxurious and airy – perfect for Australia yet created half a world away on for the coastline of Long Island, New York. Their elegant, timeless embrace of natural timbers, natural light and outdoor living has made this design approach hugely popular and a high-value choice for renovators. Hamptons homes are immediately recognisable…
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7 ways to identify trouble in older homes

If you’re thinking about buying an older home, it’s essential you conduct a building inspection to check if there are any flaws. Even if issues are revealed, you may still decide to go ahead with the purchase, but it’s important you have a solid idea about the cost of any repairs.  Discuss with your builder…
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7 ways to embrace shabby chic

Shabby chic is the perfect interior design to make a statement on a limited budget. But striking a balance between elegance and Bohemian requires some preparation to understand what looks great and what looks just plain old shabby. Shabby chic should provide a vibe of care-free relaxation without feeling fussy or contrived. Also known as…
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7 ways to keep your renovation on track

DIY television shows can lead you to believe that a renovation can be completed over a weekend, but the reality usually takes a lot longer, and involve some stress before you’ll reap the rewards. Here’s our guide to minimising the drama. 1. Do your research One of the greatest risks with a renovation is overcapitalising,…
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How to declutter like Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo and her KonMarie method of decluttering is taking the world by storm. With four books and a series on Netflix, she’s the queen of tidying up with her own tailored method of folding clothes and guidelines for decluttering every part of your home and life. But let’s face it, her level of detail…
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Should you use a solicitor or conveyancer?

Many aspects of selling and buying a home can be intricate, confusing and carry substantial liability without using professional advice. Yet selecting the right advisers provides its own challenge. This is especially true when trying to work out the difference between whether you will need a solicitor or a conveyancer to help you settle your…
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5 things to do before you apply for a mortgage

There are multiple steps to take before applying for a home loan. Here, we break down the basic steps to make sure your experience with a lender is as smooth as possible. Save for a deposit Set an overall target and timeframe for the amount you wish to save. Make sure you put aside a…
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