Category: Seller

10 video tips to boost return of open houses

Video is a great way to help sellers even though open houses and private inspections are back on the agenda after the government implemented Level Two of the coronavirus emergency. If your marketing budget doesn’t stretch to a high-end 3D virtual tour or a professional videographer, then you can produce your own video with a…
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7 reasons it’s a great time to sell

New Zealand’s outstanding response to containing the COVID-19 crisis has won global praise and also retained the core strength of our economy. This is never more evident than in the property market, where keen buyer interest continues despite the lockdown and social distancing restrictions. Median prices were up 13.7% to the end of March, and…
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Quick tips for sellers in COVID-19 market

Even as restrictions around isolation ease, if you’re looking to sell your home, you’ll need to modify your approach with some common-sense steps that take COVID-19 into account. As your agents, we’re happy to discuss the best marketing options for your home in these times. We’re seeing increasing use of 3D or virtual tours, video…
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Top five questions sellers have about COVID-19 market

The coronavirus has changed our lives in ways we could not have imagined just a few weeks ago. Many people wanting to buy or sell property have withdrawn from the market, while others decided to make the most of the opportunity of dampened demand. Here are the five most common questions we’re being asked right…
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7 Expenses that you’ll need to budget for when selling

When buying a property, you know you have a few additional expenses such as building inspections or a pest control assessment, but it is very easy to forget that there are additional expenses when selling a property too. Ensuring you budget for these is important, here are seven expenses when selling that may otherwise catch…
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6 key questions to ask your agent before you sign them up

You’ve decided to sell your property, it’s a huge decision and moving is always a time of upheaval in your life. What you want then, is the smoothest experience possible, and central to getting that is finding the right agent to handle things for you. With so much choice in the industry, finding that right…
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5 Reasons to style your home for sale

When it comes time to sell your home, usually, you have two goals. The first is to get as much as possible for it; the second is to get the sale done as quickly as possible. When you want to sell your car, you clean it up beforehand to make it easier to sell. Even…
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How to declutter like Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo and her KonMarie method of decluttering is taking the world by storm. With four books and a series on Netflix, she’s the queen of tidying up with her own tailored method of folding clothes and guidelines for decluttering every part of your home and life. But let’s face it, her level of detail…
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6 ways to set your pricing strategy

Few property conversations evoke as much passion and worry as setting a price for the sale of your home or a reserve price for a forthcoming auction. It pays to remember that a home will only sell if its price meets the market and that inflated expectations from vendors are one of the key reasons…
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7 tips to feng-shui your home

Embracing the ancient Chinese spatial laws of feng shui is a leap of faith for those who don’t believe a home can have a money or relationship sector. Yet, the philosophy can contribute to making every room feel calm and happy. And if you are preparing your house for sale, the art of feng shui…
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