Category: Investor

Why the numbers stack up for investment units

The gap between the values of houses and apartments in Australia is growing as the pandemic continues to influence our real estate market. Having pushed the nation’s average price growth above 20% in 2021, pandemic-era buyers continue to show a preference for houses over apartments. Industry researcher CoreLogic reports the price disparity between residential property…
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Opening borders renews investor optimism

Property investors are welcoming the opening of Australia’s borders in the aftermath of the pandemic lockdown, with predictions of a turnaround in rental income growth. Landlords on the east coast of Australia are likely to be the greatest beneficiaries of the change in immigration policy as their markets suffered the most severe downturns, with rental…
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Rent rises create investor opportunities

Real estate investment can become more attractive under certain economic conditions, such as when rental rates increase, interest rates are favorable, or other investment markets show volatility. These factors can potentially create opportunities in the property market. Rental demand may sometimes increase due to various economic and social factors. For instance, some individuals might choose…
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6 tips to break into property investing

Achieving long-term financial security through property investment has become increasingly popular with younger buyers, who recognise the long-term growth potential of the sector and its capacity to generate wealth. There are several ways in which you can begin your investment journey. These include buying into property funds such as REITs that exclusively invest in real…
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Rising rents a boost for investors

Since the pandemic hit, the rental scene across much of Australia has been a roller-coaster ride. The exodus of residents as we closed our borders, especially overseas students, had an economic impact on many landlords. Today, the situation is turning around with the national rent average rising almost 2 per cent, according to industry researcher…
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6 Enduring Trends in the Rental Property Market

As a real estate investor, understanding the dynamics of the rental market is crucial for making informed decisions. While specific conditions can vary year to year, certain trends tend to persist or recur in the rental market. Here are six key trends to watch: Rent Fluctuations. Rental rates can be influenced by various factors, including…
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Plenty of positives in 2022 for investors

Investors will likely enjoy 2022 on the back of the most optimistic outlook for rental incomes since 2008. Rents nationally averaged an increase of almost 10% last year despite a Covid roller-coaster ride on which many city apartments sat empty after students and non-citizens headed home because of the pandemic. While gazing into the crystal…
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Count the cash with these six investor tips

Buying an investment property is always exciting, regardless of whether it’s your first or 20th deal. You’ll likely need to spend some upgrade cash to maximize your income unless you’ve purchased a brand new home or apartment. As an experienced agent, I’ve helped many investors purchase great properties that have been highly profitable.  High-value tenants…
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Tax-time looms and good investors are getting prepared

If you own investment property that’s rented, you’re approaching a familiar time of year when you must gather receipts for expenses and income to prepare an end-of-year statement for the IRS. You’ll find a comprehensive outline of how to complete a submission under “Topic 414” on the IRS website, but as an experienced agent who…
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6 affordable ideas to boost your rental income

Buying an investment property is always an exciting experience, regardless of whether it’s your first or twentieth deal. Unless you’ve purchased a brand new home or apartment, you’ll likely need to spend some money on renovations to maximise the rent you can charge. High-value tenants seek a property that’s clean and bright with great amenities,…
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