Author: Kylie Davis

Shortage may signal optimal time to sell

Popular regions around New Zealand are starting to experience a shortage of properties for sale; and that may be a positive sign for owners debating whether they should sell in the current market. Dramatic shortages are being reported in Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay, where the number of homes for sale is down 62%  for houses…
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Focus key to buying before recovery in full swing

Upgrading your property, or plunging into the market for the first time, requires some strategic thinking at the moment. Shelving your property ambitions right now, and putting them to the back of your mind, will not help you capitalise on the current opportunities. While New Zealand is technically in a recession (we’ve had consecutive quarters…
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Ingredients to cook up a five star kitchen

A deluxe kitchen is a dream for many homeowners who love their food and the idea of entertaining. What is a reasonable sum of money to invest in a kitchen? It depends on your property’s value and the likely demographic of your target buyers. It’s easy to spend more than $100,000 on a state-of-the-art kitchen,…
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Eight ways to make your home picture-perfect

A picture tells a thousand words – and that well-known phrase neatly captures the need for every owner to invest in quality photography when the time comes to sell their home. If you’re thinking of selling your home, never underestimate the power of photography. When folks are scrolling through real estate portals, only the best…
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Six ways to be a dust-buster this summer

Keeping your home free of dust is a summer challenge. The warmer weather tempts us to keep doors and windows open so our homes are more exposed to dust and dirt. Poor airflow traps dust and can quickly build up. Even if you vacuum regularly, dust accumulates in your home on any horizontal surface.  Here’s…
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The energy vampires sucking up your electricity

The pressure to reduce household costs has never been more intense than right now. Higher inflation, mortgages and utility bills can make it hard to meet household expenses.  So, let’s figure out how we can save cash on power bills. Many utility companies will give a breakdown of how you use electricity. Here’s a report…
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Five tips for choosing a security system for your home

A security system for your home can give you peace of mind, which is why they’re so popular with buyers at the moment.  If you’re considering selling shortly and trying to decide how to improve your home at minimal cost, a security system is a comparatively economical solution. Choices of security solutions are almost endless.…
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Insights for buyers and sellers on today’s market

The decision to buy or sell a home should always be based on your personal circumstances rather than attempting to time the market for a better deal. Real estate markets are complex and can move in various ways beyond simple boom and bust cycles. As an experienced agent, I’ve observed that the most successful buyers…
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Sky is the limit with these six roof styles

When you’re house hunting, one of the first features to catch your eye might be the roof. But do you know what you’re looking at? After all, multiple styles of roof are popular in American architecture. A roof over our head is a major pschological and financial investment. When you’re buying a property, the inspection…
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Floor your buyers with a great carpet

Quality flooring can make an enormous difference to the price and attractiveness of your home when it’s time to sell. But the almost countless number of flooring choices can make your head spin. As an experienced agency in the area, we believe carefully considering how to upgrade your flooring is needed before you put down…
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