Author: Kylie Davis

Quick-moving sellers can profit from market upturn

While much of the media hype about the property market is doom and gloom, the data shows house prices appeared to have turned the corner and are edging upward again. That means it’s likely buyers are going to see more homes come on to the market in the next few months. As an experienced agency…
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Downsizing: know your numbers before doing anything

Hanging onto the family home can become needlessly expensive once the kids have left home. As you get older, maintenance becomes burdensome and cleaning and gardening steals hours from your week.  However, if you get your sums wrong, you’ll find yourself in no better position, or worse. So, discuss your downsizing plans with your financial…
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Avoid these five paint colours that are so yesterday!

Paint colour fashions can change with the wind as interior designers convince us of what’s hot and what’s not. It’s easy to dismiss influencers who try to persuade us to decorate in a particular style or colour, but keeping up with the times is an important part of preparing your home when you decide it’s…
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Feeling frustrated? Change your strategy to become a ‘rentvestor’

Saving for a deposit for your first home requires discipline and can be hard work, especially when the market dynamics are influenced by interest rate movements or growing values in your target suburbs. But don’t let frustration signal the end of the road for your ownership ambitions. As an experienced agency, we believe you can…
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Seven money tips to help first-time buyers right now

First-time buyers will have been watching trends in property values and mortgage rates with increasing interest over the past few months, keen to understand the optimal time to enter the market. As an experienced agency, we understand that it’s a challenging time for first time buyers. The nation’s inflation is stubbornly high, causing the Reserve…
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Buy or sell first? 7 factors to help you decide

With confidence returning to the property market, owners with medium-term plans to sell are asking two key questions. Many buyers want to know if now is the right time to move, and whether it’s best to sell first and then purchase, or to find their next dream home and then put your current place on…
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Economists upbeat on NZ property

When you begin hearing optimism about our property market from generally conservative institutions such as the Bank of New Zealand, you can be confident that light is finally entering  the real estate tunnel. BNZ has been unerringly accurate in its forecast for property values and consistent in its prediction the market will turn around in…
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Changing price trends make it a good time to act

The tide continues to turn for New Zealand property prices, meaning first-time buyers should begin planning their move before the value recovery starts to pick up pace. A total of 14 territorial local authority areas registered an increase in residential prices, according to a June market survey issued by OneRoof. Its Valocity House Index shows…
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Six mortgage tips as lenders offer tempting terms

If you’re in the market to upgrade your home as your family grows or a first-time buyer, you’ve probably been watching the deals hit the market. But let’s take a pause for a moment. As an experienced local agent, I learned long ago that nothing in this life is free. Everything has a value –…
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Five plants you can’t kill

Summer is a beautiful time to be out in the garden. With plants in full bloom, it’s often tempting to add to the riot of color and greenery that give us so much pleasure. But not everyone has a green thumb. And if you’re challenged in this area, spending money on plants feels less like…
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