Author: Kylie Davis

Ins and outs of body corps

The difference between strata titles and body corp, including levies or fees, can be confusing. But for property owners, it’s crucial to understand the concepts. What is a strata title? A strata-titled area is a complex or building comprising townhouses, units or apartments. However, detached houses in an estate can also be strata titled. When…
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Has flooding affected your garden?

Another summer is over but for homeowners who live in flood-prone areas, now is a great time to consider how to protect your property for next season. Don’t forget the garden will also need protecting, so green thumbs start thinking about how to guard the greenery from dreaded downpours. Preparation is everything when it comes…
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How to design your backyard studio

Are you thinking of building a small granny flat or stand-alone studio in your backyard? Part of the fun is coming up with some great interior design looks once the construction is completed. The trick is to consider its purpose first, followed by budget, size and accessibility. And you don’t have to spend big to…
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Keeping up with smoke alarm legislation

Smoke alarms have been mandatory in Australian residential homes since around 1995,  and there is good reason for this. These critical early warning detectors can help residents and their pets stay safe from fire  24/7. Yet while smoke alarms are one of the most important inclusions in a home, they’re easily forgotten or ignored when…
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Dealing with noisy neighbours

A dream home can quickly become a nightmare if you have to cope with noisy, insensitive neighbours. Whether it’s late-night parties or barking dogs, there is literally no getting away from this issue. These tips may help you find a way to resolve your differences. Talk to difficult neighbours first Although it may be awkward…
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Lessons for achieving a green thumb

Gardening grows people’s outdoor imagination, creativity and joy as few other hobbies can. Better yet, both homeowners and renters who have never tried gardening before can succeed at this pastime with experience not always required for success. Green Thumb Lesson #1 Don’t be crushed by failures as even the wisest gardeners have them. Just like…
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Making the most of your garage

While most garages are used for cars, storage and tools, there’s no need to keep these items crammed together in a messy and dirty array. Better yet, garages can be completely transformed into a home office, gym, hobby room, teenage retreat or guest room. Homeowners happy to stick with a thorough reorganisation of their garage…
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Does my property have termites?

Termites cause more devastation to Australian properties than fires, floods and other natural disasters combined. These blind, hidden, “silent destroyers” infest around one in every five Australian houses, with around 130,000-180,000 properties damaged every year. And unfortunately, as of 2001, home insurance doesn’t cover such destruction as it is classed as a preventable insect problem.…
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Checklist on transaction costs

Creating a budget for your next property purchase is an essential task before searching for your next dream home. There’s no problem with visiting a few properties in the neighborhood to see what’s available, but when you are ready to enter the market and purchase, you need to know your spending power. In most cases,…
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Perfect plants for trouble-free garden

Looking after a garden can be one of the great pleasures of owning a home, but it requires work and perseverance.  Not every plant will grow as you’d like, and some may even die. That’s just part of the gardener’s journey. Forming a vision for your garden before spending on plants can minimize the time…
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