Author: Kylie Davis

For sale sign

Tips to buying by private treaty

Private treaty is the technical name for selling a home. The property is put on the market, normally with a price guide, and buyers make offers at the time that suits them. Here are our tips to making a successful offer: Understand the market The way you handle the negotiation will be affected by the…
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The pre-settlement walk through

It’s advisable to do a final inspection before settlement. Here’s what to look for.

Andrew Winter: Why properties do not sell

Andrew Winter, the host of Selling Houses Australia explains the most common reasons why properties don’t sell.

How to spot the next upcoming suburb

How can you find the suburb that is the next big thing?

How to deal with defects in your dream home

How do you ensure the dream home you’re about to buy doesn’t become a money pit?

Questions to ask after an open for inspection

Four key questions you should ask your agent after your open for inspection

4 rules when preparing your home for sale

4 rules to consider before you prepare your home for sale

How to give your home street appeal

How to ensure your home makes a good impression when you decide to sell

4 mistakes buyers make – and how to avoid them

What are the main mistakes that buyers make when buying a home?

Why we love Federation homes

Federation homes are a distinct Australian style of home that are beautiful as well as valuable.