Author: Kylie Davis

Ten ways to downsize without the stress

When the time comes to downsizing from your family home to a smaller townhouse or apartment, you’ll be grateful that you made some plans in advance. Downsizing can be stressful if you try to fit all your possessions, especially large furniture, into a smaller home. As experienced agents in the area, we’ve helped many couples…
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Five questions to ask before you upsize

Buying a larger home is one of the most significant financial decisions you’re ever likely to make. So, it’s important to make the right purchase for the right reasons. It’s a legitimate strategy to buy a bigger home to increase your investment in the property market. However, most are in the upsizing market to cope…
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Nine ways buyers can avoid paying too much

In your hunt for a dream home, most buyers have one question continually running through their heads – “am I going to pay too much?”. When the market is as hot as it is right now, there can be a sense of urgency and even panic that you will miss out.  Mistakes in real estate…
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Seven plays to improve the value of your home

Folks will say there are no guarantees in life, but when you’re spending hard-earned dollars on upgrading your property before a sale, you’ll want to know there’s going to be a pay back on your investment. The challenge for every homeowner is to decide whether the money is best spent. While you’ll find an opinion…
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4 ways to enjoy your home before you sell

We all have moments where frustrations bubble to the surface and you think that your home just isn’t working in the way it should. Your assessment will be valid for a host of reasons. Perhaps your family has grown in size, or the demands of your lifestyle have changed, and you’ve not been able to…
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Eight hot tips for buying an older apartment

If you’re seeking an apartment to buy, you have an array of choices in terms of location, height within the building and available amenities, such as an elevator, garden, gym and swimming pool. The foundation of any search is your decision to buy an apartment or condo off-the-plan, purchase in a brand new complex or…
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10 ways to impress buyers before they walk in

The first time a buyer might see your home is as a photo of the exterior posted on a property website. That image must be real eye-candy – sweet enough to persuade them to drive over for a viewing.  When they arrive, it is your curb appeal that is going to set the tone for…
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Eight secrets to renovating with contractors

Whether you’re preparing to sell, just bought your new home, there’s often a desire to improve your property so that it’s perfect. Unless you’re strongly into DIY, there’s a strong possibility you’re going to work with contractors. As your local neighborhood real estate agent, I see time and again how relationships between homeowners and clients…
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Five ways to help your parents downsize

There are several tell-tale signs over the years that will suggest your parents are coming closer to the time when they can no longer live comfortably in the family home. The garden might go untendered, the leaves might stay in the pool, the guttering is clogged, or your parents find it hard to get up…
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Five tricks to ease house-hunting stress

There’s no denying that house hunting can be stressful, especially if you’ve already sold your current home and must find a new property before you need to go to the expense of temporary accommodation. The technologies that we use in real estate these days have made it easier than ever to find your dream home.…
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