Author: Kylie Davis

Home loan demand keeps breaking records

Demand for home loans continues to run at record levels, according to the latest ABS figures. New mortgage commitments were 4.4% higher in December, totalling $32.8 billion. These results were accompanied by a 5.3% rise in the value of home loans compared to November 2021. If you’re considering whether to refinance your existing property or…
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Selling now could be perfect timing

Selling your home in early 2022 could be the perfect time to maximise the value of your property and take advantage of record-low interest rates, says the Chief Economist at Ray White, Nerida Conisbee. With demand for property still powering ahead after a stunning 2021, Nerida believes you should act decisively if you’re thinking about…
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4 reasons to use a mortgage broker

A home loan is likely to be the most significant personal financial commitment you’ll ever make, so it makes sense to use the experts. With so many mortgage alternatives on the market from banks, building societies and other non-bank lenders, it’s a challenge to find the product that’s ideal for you. Mortgage brokers offer their…
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7 essentials you’ll need for a loan

Applying for your first mortgage can be nerve-wracking! The amount your lender offers you as a mortgage can make or break your ability to purchase your dream property in your ideal suburb. Your first goal must be to secure pre-approval. This is the conditional promise of a mortgage that allows you to make an offer…
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How will lending rule changes affect your ability to borrow?

If you’ve been considering refinancing your loan or buying a new home, you may have heard that lending rules have changed. With record-low interest rates and banks trying to undercut each other in the variable rates market, the lending market has been hot. APRA – the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority – has now stepped in…
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How to identify a home with ‘good bones’

When an agent has told you the property you’re about to view has “good bones”, have you wondered what they meant? It’s a familiar phrase in real estate to describe a house that might be old but has retained its structural integrity. So, if you wanted to upgrade the property, you shouldn’t find yourself spending…
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6 clear reasons to update your old windows

One renovation that can have a big impact, and take quite a bit of planning is updating your windows. It’s not a cheap exercise, and the essential question is whether it’s a good investment. Payback can come in a couple of ways – an improvement in the value of your home and a reduction in…
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6 tips to give you the best chance on auction day

Competing to buy a property at auction can be nerve-wracking. Your performance is there for everyone to judge, and you can see all the other people gathered who are trying to win the property, too. It can get intense. Of course, this tension creates an environment where the property will find its market value and…
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Top home design trends for 2022

With 2022 promising to consolidate and grow the value of your property even further after a record-breaking 2021, it’s tempting to seriously consider your real estate options. An increasing number of properties are likely to go onto the market over the next 12 months, and this will give you a better opportunity to upgrade. If…
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6 renovation mistakes that are easy to avoid

Most homeowners will admit to making a few mistakes during a renovation. These projects can be complex, and it’s easy to miss opportunities such as making the kitchen a little larger or spending too much or too little on fittings. As experienced local agents, we hear many renovation stories. Most of my clients are thrilled…
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