Six insect-busting ideas for your garden

Our long summer evenings are a wonderful time to be outdoors; so long as you’re not driven back inside by the pesky, biting insects that descend on us the moment the sun goes down.

Being able to ward off insects is essential for an enjoyable evening on the patio. No one likes beating a retreat indoors because the mosquitos are biting.

This list of natural insect repellents will give you a headstart to enjoying your outdoor entertainment areas.

No-fly zone

Plant pots of sweet basil and you’ll find the flies retreat next door. Geraniums are another plant that flies don’t like. Mosquitos aren’t keen on them, either.

Mozzie buster

Burn some rosemary or sage to keep mosquitos at bay. It’s an ideal solution if you’re into firepits.

Smell the coffee

Grounds of coffee sprinkled strategically on flower beds near your entertainment area will ease your insect problem.

Slick move

Essential oils repel many insects, including mosquitoes and flies. Favourites are lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint. You can burn them on the table or mix them with water and spray the area.

Sweet success

Ants turn up whenever there’s something sweet on the table. Show them the exit by placing cornmeal on ant trails. An alternative method is to spray white vinegar on these trails. After a week or so, you’ll notice the difference.

Slippery idea

Aphids are a pest on your plants and can be annoying when they take flight. They’re poor flyers but will drift on the breeze for miles. Reduce their number by placing banana peel under the soil near your plants.