Tips to make your home sparkle

There are few more essential steps in preparing your home for sale than ensuring it is sparkling clean.

Nothing deters prospective buyers faster than walking into a home to find it dirty or untidy.

When cleaning your home in preparation for a viewing it is essential to focus on the kitchen and bathrooms, followed by the living area and bedrooms.

You can also add nice touches, such as changing the sheets on the beds so they are all-white and pristine, giving buyers a favourable impression of cleanliness and brightness.

Genuine buyers tend to look in every nook and cranny, especially when inspecting the kitchen and bathrooms.

These tips will help your home sparkle.

Work downwards

Your cleaning regime should start high and work its way down. So, begin by brushing away the spider webs in the corners of the ceiling, and make your last task mopping the floor.

Disinfectant error

Disinfecting an area and then using cleaning detergent is a common mistake. If you do this, you’re doing it the wrong way around.

Take your time

Don’t immediately wipe the solution away when spraying your benchtops with a cleaning solution. Leave it on the surface for a couple of minutes for maximum effect.  

Stain strategy

Always blot spills if there’s any risk of staining carpets or wooden floors. Trying to rub it off spreads the spill and can make matters worse.

Clean start

Using old or dirty cloths spreads bacteria, dirt and dust. It’s important to disinfect them, as well as mop heads and scrubbing brushes. Avoid using sponges, which are notorious for hanging on to bacteria. 

Always ventilate

If using ammonia or bleach, especially in the kitchen and bathrooms, you should open nearby windows. The fumes from these fluids are irritating and potentially harmful.