Dealing with noisy neighbours

A dream home can quickly become a nightmare if you have to cope with noisy, insensitive neighbours.

Whether it’s late-night parties or barking dogs, there is literally no getting away from this issue.

These tips may help you find a way to resolve your differences.

Talk to difficult neighbours first

Although it may be awkward and difficult, it’s always best to talk to noisy neighbours first before making official complaints to the local council or police.

Noisy neighbours may not be aware of how loud their parties or dogs are and noise can be heard much more clearly, and for longer distances, at night compared to during the day.

Thus, a chat over the fence may quickly resolve the issue.

Plus, you will have done your neighbours the courtesy of talking to them first before going to officials.

It’s crucial to stay quiet and calm during such conversations especially as you may need to live next to, or near, these neighbours for years.

So the outcomes of such conversations are crucial to long-term peace and quiet. 

Police tips include being constructive, rather than rude and demanding, and suggesting ways to solve the problem.

Also give neighbours a chance to tell their side of the story, be prepared to listen and try working on a compromise or resolution together.

Ask for help

Consider this option only if there is absolutely no other one.

Before making an official complaint, check local noise level rules and regulations.

Give these officials all the information possible, including the fact that attempts have been made at solving the issue via a talk with the neighbour.

And, be prepared for nasty consequences from your neighbours, or long waits for complaint action from officials.

Easy ways to reduce noise

If all else fails, try these ways to reduce the noise:

Ear plugs

Noise-cancelling headphones

Listening to white noise on earphones

Installing carpet or rugs 

Sound-reducing curtains.