Top hosting tips to make your Holidays a success

There’s nothing better than making your home warm and cozy for the Holiday Season and sharing that wonderful festive atmosphere with friends and family.

Even if you adore hosting in your home, it’s still a lot of work to prepare not just the food but to decorate your home and cater to everyone’s needs.

You must consider everything from Uncle Dave being allergic to cranberries to Aunt Jenny refusing to sit next to Grandpa Ralph to make your day a huge success!

If you want to make a great first impression these tips may be helpful.

Think ahead

Identify the tasks that can be done a few days before everyone arrives. For example, dress the table ahead of time. You could also make the gravy and freeze it. When you thaw it, add some meat juices, and no one will be any the wiser!

Color scheme

Consistent color is the best approach for effective decoration. If the green/red combo is a little predictable, select other bright colors to keep the day fun.

The essentials

A tree, ornaments, lights and wreath are non-negotiables. But don’t be afraid to scale back the tree so it doesn’t take up space at the expense of your guests’ comfort.

Table talk 

I guess this is the time to break out the best silverware and dinner plates! If not now, when? But keep it festive with a bright tablecloth, matching placements, napkins, and a lovely centerpiece. 

Go crackers

Few American families bother with crackers. If they’re a mystery to your household, maybe buy a dozen and sprinkle them around the table. They’re kinda lame but fun and will liven up the meal.

Keep it cozy

If you have a log fire, naturally you’ll have that fired up. But put a few throw-rugs around the room – red, green and gold perhaps – as this will add to the cozy atmosphere.

Smell of success

Scented candles or diffused essential oils of pine or cinnamon will hit the senses and enhance the festive atmosphere.

Be treat-ready

Cookies, hot cocoa, and eggnog are excellent Holiday standards when your guests are hungry or want a warm drink. Another tasty treat is mulled wine.