The strong performance of the housing market, despite the recent interest rate hike on Melbourne Cup day, should give heart to homeowners who are looking to either upgrade or downsize this summer.
The most recent Home Value Index from industry researcher CoreLogic shows property has edged up again in October, registering 0.9% value growth on the back of +0.7% for September.
Whether the Reserve Bank of Australia’s decision to lift the cash rate 0.25% to 4.35% to further tame inflation will disrupt this emerging trend is yet to be seen.
And while the inflation rate of 5.4% needs to come down further, it is always recommended that you make a property transaction when it’s most advantageous to you personally, rather than trying to pick the perfect moment.
These tips will help ensure your home captures the spirit of summer.
Heat is on
Ensure your home is well-cooled when buyers inspect the property. The air-con should be running, with ceiling fans and portable fans working hard in each room. Offering a cool drink to your visitors on arrival is also a nice touch.
Star of the show
If you’re lucky enough to have a pool or spa, make it the star of the show. Deep clean the area so the paving and surrounding area look fantastic.
High energy
If you’ve invested in solar panels or upgraded insulation, ensure your agent highlights these assets. Increasingly, buyers are putting a premium on homes designed to minimise utility costs and make their lives comfortable.
Patio plush
Invest in some lovely outdoor furniture to accentuate your outdoor and balcony areas. Bright, summer-styled cushions also make a huge difference.
Summer smiles
Ensure your marketing photos show your home in the sunshine. This is where you’ll start giving your prospective buyers the summer vibe. If the images were taken on a rainy or overcast day, ask for them to be done again.
Let in the light
Remember to pull back the curtains and remove any furniture in front of the windows to let in as much natural light as possible and win the hearts of buyers.
Water the garden
Just before an open house or inspection, consider watering the garden to cool your outdoor area, if only for a short time. You do want your garden to look lush and verdant, not parched and thirsty.