Make your dream home a Halloween nightmare

If your busy lifestyle has left you struggling to prepare your home for Halloween, that’s ok! Being cool and creepy takes effort, and sometimes other aspects of our lives take priority.

So, if you’re about to swing your attention to Halloween, here’s some super-scary tips for you to turn your dream home into a nightmare!

Make a plan

Don’t go crazy with the credit card, buying everything that looks super-scary. Instead, make a plan of where and how you’d like to decorate your place and then shop with focus. Kmart, BigW, Bunnings, Spotlight and your local cheap shop all have some incredible Halloween props that won’t blow your budget.

Pick your poison 

Stick to one theme. Don’t scatter-gun your front entry with zombies, vampires and ghouls. Choose one direction and execute without mercy.

Crazy clutter

Avoid making your display too busy. Cluttering pumpkins, creepy crawlies and fake spider webs will lack impact. Know when to stop, which is hard because Halloween is so much fun.

Scary sounds

Stream some super-creepy soundtracks and play them on repeat over a Bluetooth speaker. Spotify’s four minutes of Scary Clown Laughing is totally freak-out. Evil Girl is even worse, which is why it’s had 1.6 million downloads – 400,000 in the past few months! The Sad Monster Piano is pretty good, too. Youtube has tracks that run for more than an hour and feature every Boris Karlov cliché you can think of!


Invest in striplights with a remote control or app to manage the colours and brightness. Avoid lights that are white and bright. Remember, the aim is to creep out the neighbours’ kids!