Tips for furnishing your first home

With all the excitement of purchasing your first property, you can be excused for feeling a little intimidated by the prospect of furnishing it to complete your dream of home ownership.

Naturally, you want everything to be perfect. 

Whether an apartment or house, this is your sanctuary. It’s where you’ll find respite from the pressures of daily life and invite friends and families over for social occasions. 

So, choosing the right furniture is not a small deal.

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the array of styles, such as Scandinavian, rustic, coastal or even minimalist. Or you just want to choose furniture you love, and ignore the principles of a particular style. These tips will help.

Find inspiration 

Go online and devour the wide range of home-styling magazines to find your perfect approach. Creating a mood board to capture furniture and layouts you love works a treat.

Color question 

Choosing furniture isn’t just about size and comfort. Color is a significant factor. Decide on your color scheme before hitting the furniture shops. Consider the color of the walls and your flooring before deciding how to proceed.

Measure up

You should measure each of your rooms. One of the biggest mistakes to make is purchasing furniture that is too large for the intended room or living area. Mapping out your home will ensure you don’t make this error.

Stay focused 

Pick your preferred styles and then research the approaches you can take within each style. If you adopt a scatter-gun approach, you’ll likely end up with a mess of options.

Energy flow 

Your furniture will create a kind of “energy”. It’s a great idea to use your mapping approach to decide the size of the furnishings and where they should be positioned. You want to ensure each room has a simple but efficient traffic flow. 

Eastern promise

Feng shui is the Chinese art of creating positive energy in your home. Its principles make a lot of sense. You may find it worthwhile checking out Feng shui and how it might help you.

The bottom line

It’s common to gravitate towards furniture that we “absolutely must have” but is probably beyond our spending limit. It’s fun to dream, but you need to keep your feet on the ground. Make a budget for each room to help pay attention to the dollars.