You’ll read a lot about the importance of presenting a quality kitchen and bathroom when selling your home, but one area is often neglected: the laundry.
Today’s buyers put significant value on a well-presented laundry that can accommodate a washing machine and dryer, and still offer sufficient space for storage and a work area.
If you’re selling a family home, the laundry can be a real winner when influencing potential buyers, especially if they have a young family.
A poor laundry, with musty smells if it is not ventilated or cleaned regularly, will turn away buyers.
These Top 7 Tips will help you brighten your laundry ready to welcome buyers during an inspection.
Closed storage
Don’t leave dirty clothes and linen in an open basket as this will contribute to a sour, unwanted odor. Ensure you use a basket with a top for your dirty clothes.
Don’t leave your gym clothes at the bottom of the laundry basket. You should always wash these immediately to prevent unwanted odors.
Baking soda
A small bowl of baking soda absorbs nasty odors.
You can buy candles that claim to smell like fresh laundry. If you’re worried about the odor of your laundry, lighting these will help before any buyer visits. Alternative approaches include sweet-smelling sachets and bars.
Essential Oils
Spray a favorite essential oil on clothes to sweeten the smell of your laundry. Ensure the oil you use is water-soluble, or you might stain the garments.
Machine clean
Regularly cleaning your washing machine will minimize odors as scum can build up in the cylinder and around the rims. Remember to check for lint build-up in your dryer, too. Lint can cause a fire, and ignoring this task is potentially dangerous.
Dry outside
Try to avoid hanging wet washing indoors. Once the washing cycle is over, take the clothes outside to dry in the sunshine. The sun is the best of all sanitizers.