Evacuation in times of natural disaster

Did you know that it is important for everyone to have a home evacuation plan in place, even if you do not live in a natural disaster prone area?

While the frequency and severity of disasters such as floods, cyclones and bushfires can vary depending on location, it is important for all Australians to be prepared.

These top tips will help you and your family get ready.

Warning signs

Familiarise yourself with the potential natural disasters in your area and learn how to recognize warning signs.


Develop a communication plan with your family members, and make sure everyone knows the plan in case you get separated during an emergency.


Create an emergency evacuation kit with essential items such as: non-perishable food, water, medications, first aid supplies, personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes and soap, a flashlight, extra batteries and phone chargers, a whistle, cash and important documents such as passports and insurance policies.

Good to go

It is also wise to pack some extra clothing, towels and warm blankets in the car before you leave. You may not be able to return home quickly. 

Exit strategy

Know your evacuation routes and have a plan for transportation, including a backup in case your primary mode of transport is not available.

Fuel to go

Make sure you have enough fuel in your car to get you to a safe location, and keep your car in good condition to avoid breakdowns during an emergency.

Emergency alerts

Stay informed about weather conditions and emergency alerts by listening to the radio, watching the news, or signing up for emergency alerts.

Be ready

Practise your evacuation plan with your family members to make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.