Eight essential tasks for your spring clean

Spring is finally here, and this is the ideal time to assess the impact of the ravages of winter on your home.

Outside, dirt, muck and leaf debris will have accumulated around the building and collected in the gutters. While indoors, you’ll no doubt want to open the windows and let the warmer air freshen everything.

Discipline around maintenance will save you thousands of dollars in avoidable repair costs and, ultimately, it will enhance the value of your home when the time comes to sell.

Below, I’ve listed some of my priorities for a spring clean. They’re a mix of safety measures and tasks that will improve the aesthetic of your home.

Of course, don’t do them all in a weekend, schedule the work over a few weeks.

Fire prevention

Clean or replace the vents in your HVAC and the extractor fans in the kitchen and bathroom. Importantly, empty the lint catcher in your dryer. Government statistics say 15,000 house fires a year are caused by clothes dyers where lint has built up.

Chimney check

Another fire source is creosote build-up in the chimney after a hard winter. Book a professional cleaning service if you have the slightest concern. It’s best to be safe. 

Cool job

Defrost your freezer and clean out your fridge. Wipe down the rubber seals and make sure they’re not allowing cold air to leak out. Pull out your fridge and clean its coils. Your fridge will use less electricity and be less likely to break down. Ensure the area is dust-free before putting the fridge back. 

Oven odors

The oven usually gets a big workout during winter, so give it a good clean, or use your oven’s settings so it self-cleans. You may also need to clean the oven door by taking off its two glass panels and giving each a thorough clean. 

Get into gutters

As long as you feel safe to do so, break out the ladder and clean your gutters. Summer storms will test your gutters, and if they’re blocked water damage is a high risk. Don’t forget to test the downpipes to ensure nothing is blocking them.

Wipe everything

Put a cloth and cleaning solution over everything from the handles of your kitchen cabinets to the faucets in the bathroom. Target anything consistently in contact with your hands, including the TV remote control!

Floor it

Book a professional carpet cleaner, and you’ll be amazed at how it freshens the home. Spring is also an excellent time to break out the mop or steam cleaner and remove dust and dirt from wooden floors.

Window watch

Lastly, clean the windows. Again, you may prefer to book a professional who’ll do the task in half the time (and probably better) than you might. Wiping away the grime on the windows will increase the natural light in your home.