Return your wooden floor to top condition

Wooden floors can be one of the most striking assets in a home, but it’s important to give them some attention if they have endured endless foot traffic and a few too many food and drink spills.

Remember that you are dealing with a natural product and its finish will dull over time if you clean it with harsh chemicals.

So, to help you return your wooden floor to tip-top condition, follow these monthly tips and you will hopefully avoid the need to refinish or even replace your floor timbers for years.

Surface test

Many floors are sealed with polyurethane. If you’re not sure about yours, pour a tiny amount of water on it. If it pills on the surface, it’s sealed. If not, the seal has either worn away or was never applied.

No seal

Unsealed hardwood floors can only tolerate being cleaned with a damp cloth and you will find that microfiber cloths are the best for the job. Don’t let water or moisture sit on the floor. Once you’ve cleaned, go back over the surface with a separate cloth to dry it.


Time your clean for when no one else is at home, avoiding the possibility of others walking through yet more dirt. Also, get everything off the floor to make the operation as efficient as possible.

Sweep first

A flat, cloth broom will pick up the majority of muck and dirt. Make small piles of debris and then collect with a vacuum. Once done, re-do the process because you never catch everything the first time around.

Map it out

Use a pre-planned path so you don’t walk back over areas you’ve just cleaned. If you have overhead fans, turn them on to accelerate drying.  

Bucket list

In your bucket you should have a cup of white vinegar and half a cup of cleaning vinegar (yes, they are different!) Add a gallon of water to this mixture.

Mop it up

Don’t soak the head of your mop. You want it to be no more than damp.  

In the cracks

Oh, boy, cleaning out the cracks between your boards is hard work. Use the same cleaning solution and a stiff brush. My recommendation is to do small patches at a time. 

All steamed up

A lot of folks swear by a steam mop. They certainly pick up a lot of dirt. However, be careful that the steam does not dull the floor finish over time. If you use one, don’t park it in one spot with the cloth still steaming hot as this will likely wear the finish.