Five ways to help your home recover from the Holidays

Now the hordes have gone and left you with happy Holiday memories and plenty of cleaning to do, it’s an ideal time to prepare your home for the coming year.

Whether you now have a clothing surplus thanks to Santa, or the kids’ toy box is spilling over, there’ll be a few tasks to complete to get your home back under control.

It’s a great idea to get on top of the situation early. And if you’re planning to sell your home later this year, you don’t want to waste precious preparation time by leaving a declutter to the last moment.

Wondering where to start? I’ve listed a few ideas to help you get the job done. 

Gift audit

It’s not ungrateful to target items you don’t want. Perhaps you can re-gift, sell or offer them to a local charity. Ask your local library if they’re accepting books and toys.

Tame that tinsel

There is no better time than January to get real about that ragged old tinsel you should have thrown out before the Holidays. Let it go, along with broken ornaments, baubles, strings of lights and even the plastic tree that will have all seen better days.

Restock your supplies

Audit your pantry. Take everything out, wipe down the shelves, and make a note of items to replenish and those that should see the inside of the trash can.

Stove reality check

Your oven and stove can be two significant casualties of the Holiday season. Pull everything apart and use heavy-duty cleaning products to clean and degrease. If you cooked turkey this year, your oven might need special attention. Check the owner’s manual to see how you can thoroughly clean the double-glass door.

Service your HVAC

If you didn’t book an appointment for a heating, ventilation and air conditioning service before the Holidays, do it now. It can dramatically improve the air quality in your home. If you have an open fire and neglected to get the chimney swept, put safety first and call in an expert.