Seven secrets to a gleaming wooden floor

A beautiful wooden floor can be a major selling point in a home: it’s one feature that never fails to impress prospective buyers.

Many sellers appreciate the impact of a wooden floor, and they will invest in having it stripped back, sealed and polished, often at the cost of several thousand dollars, to add value to their home before putting it on the market.

The trick with a wooden floor is knowing how to clean it.

Know the finish

Establish whether your floor has a polyurethane finish. Spill a small amount of water onto it and if the droplets sit on top, you have a sealed floor.

Sealed floor

You’ll be able to use water-based solutions on your sealed floor, which will make life a little easier.

Unsealed solution

If your flooring isn’t sealed, use only minimal water for cleaning. If you soak it with a mop, it will dull quickly. Instead, run a damp microfiber cloth over it and dry it immediately after.

Sweep first

Always sweep the floor first. Avoid vacuuming, especially if your machine has a rotating beater-head, as this causes tiny scratches. We recommend a broom with a microfiber head – the dust and dirt they pick up is amazing.

Cleaner question

Hardware stores and supermarkets are full of solutions for sealed wooden floors. Some can leave a film over the polyurethane, dulling it over time. One solution is cleaning vinegar: use no more than a quarter cup per litre of water.

Let off steam

A steam mop’s heat is too intense, and the moisture it releases can dull or even warp the wood over time.

Plan your clean

Mop your floor when it’s quiet. Remove the rugs and push furniture aside where possible. Turn on ceiling fans to accelerate the drying time. Don’t return the rugs until the floor is dry. And if you plan your route, you won’t walk on a wet floor.