Don’t forget behind-the-scenes Holiday preparation

The gift shopping is done, the menu is set and dates for all the family gatherings have been locked in.

With so many things to do over the festive season, it’s easy to overlook some behind-the-scenes tasks around the home that can make life a lot easier once completed.

Here are a few dishwasher cleaning tasks to tackle before family and friends descend and you’re up to your neck in dirty plates and gravy boats. 

Your tools

To complete the job quickly, line up the following on the countertop: white vinegar, soap, microfiber cloth, brush, bottle brush and anti-mold spray.

Everything out

Make sure no items remain in the dishwasher and remove the racks. These should be washed in a solution that’s half vinegar and water, or in hot soapy water if the soap scum isn’t too bad. 


Get some elbow grease into those chrome walls using hot soapy water and a brush. If it’s super-nasty, spray an anti-mold solution and let it sit for 10 minutes. Afterwards, wipe the walls with a cloth to ensure all the scummy veneer has gone.

Worst job

It’s time to attack the filter. Most blockages and nasty odors can be sourced back to a dirty filter. You’ll find it on the floor of the dishwasher. It should be easy to remove, but don’t force anything. With most models, you need to turn a lever or the filter to unlock it.

Don’t forget the drain

You’ll see the drain and extraction pipe once the filter has been removed. Scrub this area with a brush using your vinegar solution or very hot soapy water. It’s a bit messy, but the water at the base of the pipe will disappear.

Press the button

Once everything has been reinstalled and looks sparkly clean, run a complete washing cycle twice. For the first run, put a bowl of white vinegar on the top rack. The second time around, sprinkle a cup of baking soda on the floor of the dishwasher. Hey, presto! Clean dishes for the whole Holidays!

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Holidays. Please contact me if I help you with your property needs for the new year.