Six reasons why a rainwater tank makes sense

Have you noticed water tanks installed in city homes or regional properties that are already connected to town water? 

Rainwater tanks are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons, including a reduction in the quarterly water bill and the environmental benefit.

Buyers appreciate green-friendly features that help the planet and shrink the size of utility bills. 

Solar panels and quality insulation are the most popular eco-friendly strategies homeowners are adopting, but rainwater tanks are also very popular. 

A 4,000 litre tank that would fit down the side of most city homes costs around $2,000, plus installation. And that can be a good investment if you’re a keen gardener who frequently uses a hose and sprinkler.

Installing a tank is also a plus when the time comes to sell.

These are the top benefits:

Green credibility

A rainwater tank will give you plenty of green “cred” with future buyers. One of its most essential benefits is to take pressure off the stormwater system, which often fails during torrential downpours.

Catch, not dam

If we all installed a water tank, there’d be less need for dams, which cost millions of dollars to build and flood and destroy the local environment by their very nature. 

Bloomin’ lovely

If you love your garden, you’ll never have to worry about keeping water up to your plants with a rainwater tank. It’s the perfect solution for those who love a cottage garden, lush lawn, veggie patch or fruit trees.

Flushed with success

Raintank water can be redirected for clothes washing and flushing toilets. 

Bright and shiny

Using your tank water to wash your car and fill a swimming pool or spa is easy.

Fighting fire

If you have suitable connectors on your tank – and we advise this – the fire brigade can use your tank water to save your house or your neighbours’.