How to make your laundry room sparkle

If you’re selling a home, your laundry room is one space that needs to be squeaky clean. 

The state of a laundry room often reflects the time homeowners have: they’re either super-organized and functional or the biggest disaster area in the house. And that’s a shame because a laundry room is a real selling point. 

The idea that it has the capacity and organization to handle the drudgery of washing and ironing clothes appeals to the modern, younger buyer. 

So, revamping this room will be a good investment if you’re considering selling your home soon. 

Cut the clutter

Take everything out of the laundry room and throw away items you never use and products that have passed their expiry date or are not appropriately labelled. It’s a lot of work but worth it.

Brush strokes

With the room empty, wipe down walls and floors. It may be an opportune time to freshen up with a coat of paint.

Make a plan

Consider how you wish to reorganize the space. Obviously, you can’t move the washing machine and sink, but what can you do to improve functionality?

Easy reach

When planning storage, ensure essential items are within easy reach. For example, don’t put the detergent away from the washing machine. Heavy items should be on the lower shelves for safety reasons. 

Hanging and shelves

If you’re lucky enough to have open spaces on your walls, increase storage with additional cabinets or a rack to hang brooms. Keep everything off the floor as much as possible.

Keep it contained

If you’ve got multiple bottles of fabric softener, decant them. Perhaps pour the softener into an attractive container and recycle the original plastic bottles.

Group items

Create space to group items such as detergent, softener and stain-remover sprays. In this case, they should be within reaching distance of the washing machine.

Your best friend

Labels help you find items faster and improve safety. Poisonous products, such as bleach and disinfectant, must be labelled and beyond the reach of children.