5 ways to streamline 2022 with a declutter

With the kids now back at school, we can all take a breath and enjoy the fact we can return to our normal routines, even if they are still being dictated by the pandemic.

Your home has no doubt returned to its former self after taking down the Christmas decorations and endlessly picking up shards of wrapping paper and crumbs from mince pies and the last of the Christmas cake.

It always takes a little while for your home to recover from the holiday hangover, especially if you’ve been entertaining family and friends. 

But in all likelihood, your decluttering mission is not over. And if you’re planning to start preparing your home for sale later this year, then it’s never too early to begin tidying.

We’ve pulled together a quick list of post-holidays items that you should focus on right now. 

Lights and tinsel audit

There’s nothing sadder than Christmas lights still out midyear. Most of us plan to do this every year but never do. Re-open that giant box and throw out ornaments, tinsel that have seen better Christmas days and lights that don’t work. 

Baking dishes

Baking requires a certain dedication at the height of the Australian summer. And we bet that you put aside all manner of tins and trays that you never use when you were baking for Christmas. So, go back into the cupboards and remove all the unwanted baking tins from your life. 

Toy trauma 

With a fresh injection of new toys, it’s time for the kids to say goodbye to the old ones that now sit in the toybox, ignored or discarded. Don’t make this a solo mission, though. Recruit your children to the cause and convince them it’s a fun activity with a reward for a job well done. 

Fashion extraction

Take a long, hard look at your winter wardrobe. The summer heat outside will help convince you to cull those items you stopped wearing years ago. If they’re still in good condition, send them to a charity shop or offer them to friends and family.

Unwanted gifts

If you received some underwhelming presents, let them go. Items bought for you with loving intent can still find a welcoming home. Like your clothes, offer your unwanted presents to charity shops or those you might like them.