If you’re in a neighborhood where potential buyers might appreciate the ancient wisdom of feng shui, it might be profitable to pay some homage to the art when preparing your home for sale.
While there is a unique philosophy rather than science underpinning feng shui, many of its instructions about furniture arrangement make perfect sense.
They can enhance the enjoyment of living in a home and improve the impression that it makes with buyers conducting a walk-through.
Some of its approaches can be instructive in terms of preparing your home for sale. Below are some easy actions you can take to give your home better feng shui.
Doors: Make sure they open and close easily. This improves energy flow. Doors must not be blocked or pushed up against a piece of furniture when opened. Buyers will think the space inadequate if this is the case.
Energy: If your home has an unimpeded line-of-sight from the front to the back door, that isn’t good, according to feng shui. Energy that comes into the home escapes straight out the other side. Arrange furniture so there’s not a runway through the heart of your home.
Beds: Feng shui demands beds are strategically positioned. If your bed faces the door directly, you’re in what adherents call the “coffin position”. That’s because your feet are pointing out the door. And don’t put beds directly against a wall as this disturbs the balance of a room. It also makes a room feel smaller.
Desk: If you’re offering a home office as part of your home, don’t have the desk facing the window. If you do, your qi, or energy, goes out the window, too. And whatever you do, don’t put a desk in the main bedroom. It will make it difficult to sleep according to the feng shui masters.
I hope you’ve found this list fun, helpful or both. If I can help you secure your dream home or sell your existing property, please do not hesitate to contact me. We can discuss buyer preferences, prices trends in our neighborhood, and the best ways to maximize your property’s value.