How to pot up a bright Spring garden

Spring has come quickly upon us and the warmer days and longer evenings give us a great opportunity to brighten our gardens.

If you’re looking to sell your property in this Spring season, you’ll find a strategic use of pots will make a quick, inexpensive and spectacular improvement to your garden.

Stunning pot plants can offer the critical wow factor as prospective buyers form their first impressions of your home. Even better, if there’s no agreement to the contrary, you’re allowed to take them with you when you move out!

Most nurseries and garden centres offer a wide choice of large, statement pots that can be a central focus of your garden or provide definition to a shady or forgotten corner.

There are many ways you might choose to improve your home before sale, but few add a splash of colour and make a bold impression for such a small investment. 

It’s easy to go crazy and buy lots of pots, but you’ll get your best results by planning your approach for both the front entrance and the back garden. 

So, if you’re preparing your home for sale, here are some quick tips to brighten your garden and blow away your potential buyers:

  1. It’s all about structure – Make your choice of plants before purchasing the pots. Consider the eventual height, shape and growth habit of the plants you intend to use.
  2. Growing conditions – Factor into your plan how much sun and shade your pots will get. This is a critical factor in selecting your plants. For example, impatiens thrive in the shade and hate the heat, whereas geraniums can’t get enough sun.
  3. Be bold – A vigorous, upright plant can make a stunning impact and be a focal point of your garden. Consider clumps of black bamboo, New Zealand flax, magnolia or a mature olive tree. If you’re dressing an entranceway, it’s hard to beat pairs of cypress or Alberta spruce.
  4. Be bright – You can create lovely looking pots by finding plants with complimentary colours. Purples and oranges, and blues and yellows, are great combinations. Check out some of the great gardening Instagram accounts for inspiration or Pintrest is also full of great ideas.
  5. Mix and match – You can play with more than colour. A combination of delicate and coarse-textured plantings will create a more profound visual aesthetic. Thick clumps of wild grass, such as lemon yellow grass, and spikey succulents make for lovely contrasts.
  6. Fill it up – Companion plants in bigger pots will soften the visual impact. Look for filler plants such as petunia, begonia and lobelia to complement the main feature.