Five easy ways to improve your garden before a spring sale

We’re approaching the most popular selling period on the calendar, and a fabulous spring garden can do wonders for homes that are about to go on the market.

A great-looking garden will make a fabulous first impression with prospective buyers and capitalise on the positive attitude and outlook that springtime always inspires.

It’s essential to pay attention to the garden as you prepare your home for sale. Buyers can be put off immediately if the lawn is not mown or weeds litter in the flowerbeds. It also reminds those without a green thumb that gardens require maintenance and hard work.

It’s worth making the effort, so here are some tips to inspire you.

  1. Whack those weeds – It’s a good idea to start with the back-breaking work. Once you’re done, mulch the flowerbeds heavily to help stop weeds returning and prepare the area for the planting of spring plants.
  2. Under pressure – Winter can be unkind to your footpath and driveway, so break out the pressure hose and clean them of dirt and mould. There are excellent products available to help remove stubborn mould so you can get this task done quickly and easily. 
  3. Pick out the perennials – Divide perennials that have been growing in your garden for a while especially if they’re growing in clumps, and transplant them. It will help minimise the cash needed to improve your garden. Perennials are a great way to fill up the flowerbeds and create mass plantings. And they’ll also love the mulch you laid when you weeded.
  4. Clipping and cutting – Trim back trees and hedges, especially if they prevent lighting from coming into the home. This will stimulate plant growth and enhance the definition within your garden.
  5. Lawn care – Ensure your lawns are mown and kept tidy throughout your sales campaign. You can enhance their appearance by using one of many weed-and-feed products you’ll find at the local nursery, hardware or garden centre.