Eight reasons why green plumbing makes sense

Eight reasons why green plumbing makes sense

The world of real estate is continually changing with new technologies emerging that make it easier to buy and sell property, enhance security and improve the energy efficiency of our homes.

One of the latest ideas that is gaining traction with discerning buyers is “green plumbing”. It’s all about the desire to have an environmentally-friendly home. 

Being socially responsible not only contributes to the health of the planet but also reduces energy and water costs so this idea of green plumbing is becoming increasingly popular. 

Below is a list of the features of green plumbing. 

  1. Save water – Only 1% of the planet’s water is drinkable, and we capture less than 6% of our total rainfall. So water is becoming increasingly precious and expensive and rainwater tanks that support gardens through drier months are becoming a popular feature. .
  2. Use a green plumber – Specialist plumbers will audit your water use and advise you on the best way to reduce consumption. This service could save hundreds of dollars in water bills every year.
  3. Filtration update – Investigate installing or updating the filtration system, as this will minimise bacteria, germs and chemicals in your water supply. While this might not be a specifically green-oriented initiative, it’s good for the wellbeing of you and your family.
  4. Dual-flush – Install a dual-flush toilet. Cheaper ones tend to leak into the bowl and can waste more water than they save. So, invest in a quality model. You can save two-thirds of your water usage right here.
  5. Head for the shower – There is a variety of technologies designed to reduce a shower’s water consumption. Showerheads that generate high pressure from low-flows are a popular solution. Atomising technology, created for jet engines, will turn the water into a mist. It’s still a great shower and uses less water. Somebody once said it’s like “hugging a warm cloud”.
  6. Focus on tapware – Low-flow taps in the bathroom and kitchen will also have a favourable impact on your water usage. When selling a home, it’s never a bad idea to upgrade your taps as this usually impresses buyers when they inspect your property. 
  7. Date with a dishwasher – Stop washing your dishes in the sink. A dishwasher uses less water, and the chemical soaps that are usually recommended for these appliances are environmentally-friendly. 
  8. Efficient hot water – Appliances such as water heaters use a lot of energy over the year. It’s worth considering whether yours needs an update. You can expect to update a water heater every 10 to 15 years. While you’ll have the upfront cost of a new model, you’ll see savings on your electricity or gas bill immediately. Slow to heat water heaters also encourage you to waste more water as you’re likely to run the tap longer waiting for the water to heat up.