9 red-hot tips to get your home ready for winter

Your home is a sanctuary from the craziness of modern life, but if it becomes draughty and cold in the fall and winter months, it can quickly become depressing.

Investing in solutions to protect your home from the ravages of the cold and damp is always money well-spent. That is especially true if you’re considering whether to put your property on the market in the near future. 

Stepping out of crisp winter days and into a warm cosy home is a great feeling for any prospective buyer.

As your neighborhood agent, I have worked with plenty of buyers in the winter months and have found that homes always reach good prices if appropriately prepared. 

Here are nine ideas to help you get ready for winter: 

  1. Insulate yourself – Heating costs can be reduced by 30% with the right insulation. Check the coverage of your ceiling insulation, as this is where most heat escapes. If you can get under the house, then insulate under the floor. And you’ll also be amazed how much rugs on bare floors contribute to retaining heat.
  2. Seal yourself in – Refresh the seals around the doors and windows of your home. Make sure the fit between door and window frames is snug so they won’t rattle in the wind.
  3. Mind the gaps – Get out your caulking gun. Walk through the home and seal gaps around skirting boards, the fireplace and window sills to stop those annoying draughts.
  4. Get into the gutters – With rain and snow coming you need your gutters to be clear of debris. This is a great time to prune back overhanging branches that drop leaves. Also, make sure your roof is in good order.
  5. Invest in solar power – While only a small proportion of homes have solar power, it is one of the most popular technologies with buyers currently. It dramatically reduces your power bills, and you can automatically go back on the grid when days are grey or rainy.
  6. Say it with shutters – Solid window shutters will allow the warmth in during the day and have excellent thermal properties 
  7. Clear the garage – If you’ve fallen into the habit of parking in the driveway because the garage is full of junk, then it’s time for a clear-out. Your car is a significant investment, and you need to protect from the wet and cold. It will help make it easier to start in the morning too. 
  8. A fireplace adds to the ambience – If you don’t have one, then consider installing a fireplace in the main living area. There is a wide choice of models that include wood, pellet-burning and gas fires that are both attractive to look at as well as functional. 
  9. Invest in quality heating – Get your boiler checked and serviced. Or look at a standalone gas or electric heater to quickly warm your home. Column, fan, and convection models are popular. Gas models can be flued to ensure there’s no smell of gas in the home. Models without flues often need ventilation, such as a window left ajar. Another alternative is a reverse-cycle air-conditioner.