What to do when you are serious about a property

You’ve found a property you love. Your partner is researching paint swatches, your bank has said ‘yes’ and the negotiations begin. 

But you’re conscious that you’re running on pure emotion and given the price tag, it makes sense to cover all the angles. As your agent, these are my five quick tips to test your logic and ensure the home really is perfect for you. 

Visit the property at different times of the day

The day you visited may be quiet, but what happens to the street on normal weekdays at peak hour? Is it quieter or busier, and does this impact on your feelings about the property? 

When it’s hot, it’s hot 

Consider the property in terms of heat and light at different times of the day. Is the property going to be blasted by afternoon sun? Or plunged into darkness? These things are all subject to your needs, so there’s no right and wrong. It’s really a case of considering them and crossing them off your list.

Do a thorough inspection

Until now, your inspections have probably been focused on oohing and ahhing over the aspects that appealed. Now’s the time to go back over the property in detail. Open all the cupboards, turn the stove on and off. Run the hot water. Check the wifi. Make a note of the electrical sockets. Get a building inspection report to understand the condition of the property and whether additional money will need to be spent.

Double-check the inclusions

If you’ve already got a copy of the contract, you were probably focused on the price and settlement terms. Now is the time to go through the inclusions in detail. Re-inspect the property (again!) and check how valuable those inclusions are to you. Do you care that the curtains are going to be removed? Is there anything on the list that is unexpected? Are there any parts of the property that are bespoke that you’d like to see included?

Spend time in the neighborhood

If you’re moving to a new area, spend some time in the neighborhood. Visit on a weekend and separately during the week to get a feel for the shopping, parking, transport and local amenities. Find out the local services on offer and do lots of people watching. It also pays to do a test school-run and see how long your commute would be.