How to find a great real estate agent

Choosing a real estate agent can be one of the most stressful parts of selling your home — your most valuable asset. Who should you use? Will they be trustworthy and reliable? How do you protect yourself from the unscrupulous?

As a trusted and experienced agent, this is my guide to how to feel confident you’ve found the best agent when you decide to sell your home.

Phone a friend

Do you know someone who has recently bought or sold a property? Ask friends and family for recommendations (and who to avoid!). A shout-out on Facebook or social media can also provide some good recommendations and link you straight through to some very good agents.

Check out online

Visit one of the real estate portals and see what’s for sale in your neighborhood, and the agents selling properties similar to yours. From there, you’ll be able to view the profiles of salespeople and get a feel for how they present themselves and the properties they’re marketing. If you like what you see, make a note of their names and do some further research on them on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Visit one of their properties for sale 

What better way to see your potential agent in action than by visiting one of their properties? Do they greet you at the door with a smile? Are they friendly and approachable? Are they genuinely interested in your property search? Getting insight into the agent’s ability to follow up is key. You want to know your agent will act on every potential buyer. Take note of how long it takes to follow you up.

Know what you’re looking for

Overall, you should be seeking an agent who is genuinely interested in your circumstances and is helpful, polite, likeable and communicative. You want someone who is proud to represent you and get the best deal. Most of all, you want someone who treats you respectfully. Armed with your research, prepare some questions for potential candidates.

Conduct an interview

Once you have found two or three individuals, ask them in to give you a listing presentation or property appraisal. Notice how they handle themselves. Are they “selling” to you, or are they genuinely listening and responding to your queries? What sales method do they use? Use your questions to make sure you have consistent information upon which you can make your final decision. But most importantly, do you like them? Remember, you are likely to be in daily contact with this person for the next month or three, so you need someone you trust in doing a great job for you.