Tag: garden

Life is a beach with a coastal garden

It’s a wonderful feeling to sit in a coastal garden and enjoy the distant metronome of waves crashing on the beach. Beach houses with a cleverly designed coastal garden leave an indelible impression, especially on prospective buyers seeking a new home in a beachside suburb. A coastal garden is a stunning asset for the property.…
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10 ways to brighten your fence

Garden fences are a reality of life but that doesn’t mean they have to be an eyesore or boring. You can use to brighten your border with a variety of approaches. Conventional methods to hide an ugly fence, including bamboo screens, vinyl panels and fast-growing vines. Or, you can give your garden an additional splash…
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Why succulents are sensational when preparing for sale

If you’re a low-maintenance gardener, then the resurgence in the popularity of succulents is sensational news. Succulents are a perfect solution for owners who are preparing their homes for sale with a minimum of fuss. They’re ideal for either an apartment balcony or a dedicated area of a garden, where colourful of varieties really pop…
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12 ways to make your balcony beautiful

Living in an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a garden. With a little thought and careful planning you can turn your balcony into a feast of flowers or a wonderful source of herbs, fruit and vegetables. A well-planned balcony garden makes a huge impact on buyers. It provides an additional facet to your property…
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7 cool trends for gardens

Say goodbye to formal plantings, structured lines and taming nature. In 2019 life in the garden is getting wild. The trend now is creating country-styled gardens as an oasis from city living, with the emphasis towards embracing the environment, self-sufficiency and creating beautiful and nurturing spaces to recharge, relax and connect with family and friends.…
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weatherboard house in Balmain

7 ways to smarten your weatherboard

Here’s a quick checklist of the ways you can maximise the value of your weatherboard home.